Hello everyone!! It’s Hugh Yamada! Not your mother but YaMaDa all the way from Japan :)
It’s been 2 weeks since we started going across the country from Boston.
MA, NH, VT and.. next would be NY!
今いるBurlingtonという街は、Lake Champlainという大きな湖に面しており、ここからフェリーで西に渡るとニューヨーク、南に渡ってももニューヨーク、北に渡るとカナダというアメリカでも国境線沿いにあたる北に位置します。
The place I’m at now is called Burlington.
It’s a town right next to a huge lake called Lake Champlain. We can use a ferry to go across and both West and South would be NY State.
If you go North, you’ll arrive in Canada.
We are really far North in the United States right now.
Right across from Burlington, West or South, either way you try, there is a State Park called the Adirondack Park which is a huge park with lots of hills and no real towns within the park. This means we will have to carry lots of food with us. In addition to that, we really need to be careful with food when we camp out at night time because of bears and other animals.
西も南もニューヨークに渡るとAdirondack Parkというとても巨大な州立公園があり、Jayが言うには、VT州やNH州であったような山よりもきついとのこと。公園内には街と言える街もないので食べ物は持っていかないといけません。野宿に困ることはありませんが、熊対策が必要となります。
Hannahは今週末友人達と一緒にこのAdirondack ParkにあるLong Lakeという20km以上ある長さの湖にカヤックをしに行くのだとか。
Since last night, we have been staying at Jay’s friend, Hannah’s house. She and her friends are planning to go kayaking on Long Lake which is a lake about 14 miles long.
ハウスメイトたちもAdirondack Parkにカヤックをしに行ったりするそうで、北にあるカナダ、モントリオールやケベックなんかにも交通の便が良いため、よく行かれるとのこと。
Her housemates also have kayaked at one of the lakes and rivers in Adirondack Park. Montreal and Quebec are close enough to visit from Burlington and often times they go there and find their favorite beers. Although VT has really nice craft beers as well!
I’m pretty amazed with VT beer I’ve been drinking here.
(VT州のビール : Herdy Topper
Hannah’s housemates also seem to have enough knowledge about designing architecture/interior that they designed their own house to add a 2nd floor and just recently remodeled the kitchen as well. It really feels cozy and nice :)
They also made these glass showcases for their plants on their wall!
In their neighborhood, they have a store called “YEA” and they have pretty much anything you can think of including tons of vintage stuff.
They probably got these unique items from “YEA” and are displaying them as art in their yard.
In summertime, they have a farmer’s market in their neighborhood. Many people go there to get delicious tomatoes, grapes, fruits, vegetables, etc..
Hannah’s housemates go there with their hand-crafted carts!
Every Tuesday, Hannah has her band members come over to her house, have dinner together and play music together!
The kitchen counter is in the middle of their kitchen so that people can easily talk while one’s cooking.
Tonight was burittos (tacos)! Vegetables from the farmer’s market! It was great!
After dinner is music time on Hannah’s balcony on the 2nd floor!
The man on the very right in this picture who is playing the ukulele also went across the country by bicycle.
In his opinion, NY was one of the hardest states to bicycle across.
今のところはVT州!ただ確かにこのAdirondack Parkは地図上で見るだけでもきつそうです。
Although people I met in NH said NH is the hardest state!
I assume it really depends on what streets we will take.
I wonder which state will be the hardest state for us during this Going S Adventure.
So far with what we’ve been going through, VT was the hardest state at the moment. Although this coming up Adirondack Park looks hard too just by looking at a map. Oh well, we gotta go through it anyway.
Burlington is a really nice place which has all the following: mountains, rivers, lakes, beers, and open views to see beautiful sunsets.
You can also get organic food around the town which is really nice.
People who live in Burlington can go out to play in nature on the weekends and play music and have fun with friends after work on the weekdays.
That makes me think people who live here have very active lives.
We will be staying here for one more night.
Then we will get into NY state!! Let’s do this!
See you next time:)